
Friday, August 11, 2017


The situation changed when I recognized I was living within people's opinion and negative reaction that were formed from others limited opinions, so what I needed to overcome this loop was to have self trust.
Because other people don’t live your life, you can only live it for yourself. And for that, you must stop listening to others’ inflated belief systems. Quotes by my mentor and brother Conscience Ecomaye Kikemme

Place value on yourself

We sometimes think we are not good enough for certain people, that's why they turn their face every time our eyes meet with theirs, but what if that's not the case, what if they turn their face cause they too think they don't have a chance with us. Bottom line is,  speculation never fixed anything and you will never know how beautiful both of you can become if you don't make the first move....

Before you say yes

⚫️Wedding ring they say is the world smallest hand cuff.
⚫️Never be in a hurry to get married because you want to prove to your other girls or guys that you are most lucky..take your time to know and understand the person.
⚫️Never love more than you know the person. Let your love for the person tech you to know the person
⚫️remember unlike other rings like the boxing ring once the you win the championship it's over but do for marriage once the ring gets in the journey just started and it's a lifetime commitment so take your time because something can be hidden for a while .
⚫️don't marry for looks for material hat happens when the six pack starts covering due to no more working out or there is a problem in loss and their finance reduces would you still stay.

Commit yourself to the one makes you feel like yourself even when they are not themselves.

Attitude is key

Whatever we do before people, it should be done with a right heart, and whatever we give must be given in a right attitude.
Attitude is key 🔑

See Good in everything....

You'll never see anything good from anybody or situation when our mindset or perception see no good in them . People or situation can change at anytime and even if we don't see anything good in them let's keep encouraging them with good word. Let's not limit our minds to the way we see things or people because what you tag bad can turn out to be good in no distance time...