
Saturday, August 27, 2016

Freedom Conference 2017

I discovered that the gate to the heart which is the factory of invention is the mind. The mind gives information to the heart and whatever the heart believes as true becomes the reality of the man. There is a war that only ends at death; we'll have to win battles after battles to win this war ~ the battle field of this warfare isn't physical situated, it's in the mind. Information battles to break into the heart to seize and control it. You stand at the door to defend and fight off wrong thoughts or allow all in  ~
however not everyone know about this on going fight. Some people have their hearts opened to all invading thoughts. You will loose in life if you don't determine what thoughts gain entrance and stay in your heart. Guard your heart by controlling your thoughts. Casting down wrong thoughts and fighting down evil ideas. This battle every human on earth has to fight.
Exploring the power of the mind at Freedom Conference 2017
Theme #mind shift#
See banner for more information
For registration & sponsorship contact this number 08031936319.

What a way nice way to start 2017. Don't miss it for anything........

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