Just as food is essential to man's growth so also is the mind, the mind controls virtually everything in human life, before the buildings, technology, things we use, see etc came into existence it first existed in the mind, it might even surprise you to know that we actually see, hear with our mind and not with our eyes or ears respectively this is to tell you how powerful the mind can be, research shows how an elephant is been tamed: the elephant from the wired is tied to a rope for a long period, the rope restrict and dictates the movement of the elephant. When the rope is lose off the leg they find out the elephant could not go beyond where the rope allowed when it was still on his leg. What just happened is that the rope has been transferred to its mind even if the rope is physically absent but he sees it in its mind... Wow what a power the mind posses, we must be careful of what we allow in our mind even THE LAW OF LIBERTY states that "...Transformation comes from the Mind." so we must start charting our course in life from our mind because all you are today is a product of your mind have conceived, lastly I will like to give this analogy to buttress how powerful your mind is; in most part of Nigeria mechanics put on dirty cloths because of the nature of the Job also an insane person who walks to and fro the street but you can't say because both are putting on dirty cloths that they are the same the difference is their mind one put on the dirty cloths on purpose while the other put on a dirty cloths because he/she has lost his/her mind. Oh the MIND! What a gift to mankind.
Freedom Conference 2017
Date January 21th
Time 10:00am
Venue De Lord's marvelous, Ivie road