
Saturday, September 10, 2016


"I Love You" is one of the most common phrase people use to express how valuable someone is to them; from parents to kids, kids to their parents, brother to his sister, sister to her brother, from a boy to a girl and a girl to a boy etc. This phrase (I Love you) as powerful as it is, it is also the most abused phrase because people make use of its power to get want they want and the victims comes up with the conclusion that, "Love is complicated". But the truth is, love is not complicated, people are.

Love is the greatest thing in the world and all we need is love. Love help us relate, learn, and care for others genuinely.

In a relationship love is paramount! It is what will motivate you to go all out and learn all that you need to learn; the key ingredients to spice up your relationship. Eg: care, respect, communication, trust, understanding...etc Love should enable you effortlessly work out every details needed to keep the relationship as listed above. You need to understand that that love won't be enough if those other ingredients are not present because they are vital.

Though love might sustain the relationship for a while based on tolerance, its all  going to change if those ingredients are not learnt in the period of tolerance. I personally don't see why we won't want communicate with the ones we love. Anyways, love will not be love if it doesn't stir us to learn, use and master the right tools to keep our relationship going. It sounds crazy, right? Don't get us wrong; loving someone, or caring deeply for them is an awesome thing but it is sometimes not enough without those little things to spice it up.

We hear from many people who tell us about unhealthy behaviours or feelings of unhappiness in their relationship but still say they love their partners. It is very possible to have feelings of love for someone even though they keep mistreating you.

Love can be a great feeling but its important to recognize that, love is just one part of a whole. There are other ingredients to having a solid and healthy relationship. Therefore, if you are in a relationship and wondering if love is enough, then try asking yourself this questions; do you trust each other?

You can love someone but if you don't trust them or they don't you, then the relationship won't be healthy. Trust is the building block of a healthy relationship and this trust is built overtime together with the other ingredients.

Compiled by freedom empowered blog
Edited by James Jamine ( thanks to you sir)

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